Let's start our data structure journey. Before we start let me give you a little overview what we are gonna learn form here. 1. We will learn all the basics of data structures. /* O' yeah this is my little overview*/ Let's visualize what are basic data structures. 😄 Btw I'll try to make you pro at data structure. Understand what is happening. Than you can easily do what you want to do with data structure am I right 😃. I think I'm right. Ok let's begin . /*I'll provide some link so that you can implement it. Yes in Java*/ Basic Data Structure Data structure is a way to organized data so that we can use data effectively . Now let's see what if we use data structure and we don't what happens than, Ex: Suppose, We have a class called A there is a 5 student called 3,5,9,6,1 now, No Data Structure is used, A={3,5,9,6,1} Using Data Structure than, A={1,3,5,6,9} Which one is easy to work with second one right. This is why we need to know data structure...